Sometimes we need a little explanation on what exactly a card can or cannot do during a game. Here you will find some clarifications to help our players out in case of any issues.

Altar Bearer
This card is broken! (We are ashamed we let one get through.)
– The way it is written right now a player can win the game with this card alone. Our next printing will have it reprinted with the following text:
– Conclusion Phase: (Do this ability when you first play this card, then for the rest of the game do this ability during the conclusion phase, before all the numbers are added up.)
– Pick a number of spells from your spell log and shuffle them back into your library. Then make an opponent randomly pick from their spell log and shuffle that same number of spells into their library or pick that number of hidden spells on the table and shuffle them back into their owner’s library.

Avian Mother
Her ability means that she and the warriors in her clan group can not have any direct spells cast on them by any player.

DeLong’s Ghost
When a player lays down a direct or world spell to cast, DeLong’s Ghost ability is triggered. A warrior in his clan group gets picked and killed. Then the spell happens.
– DeLong’s Ghost can not pick itself to be the warrior that gets killed by its own ability.
– DeLong’s Ghost can be targeted and killed by a spell or ability.
– DeLong’s Ghost does not die in the conclusion phase when the army it is in loses a battle.
– DeLong’s Ghost is a warrior so it can be targeted by abilities and spells that kill warriors.

Pick a warrior in the clan group when you cast this spell. If you picked a level 30 warrior then use dice or paper and indicate that number on this clan blessing.
– Now every warrior in this clan group is always a level 30, even if the original level 30 warrior gets killed.
– Once picked, the level does not change.

Entwined Enemies
This world curse does not cause a loop. It happens once then stops.
– Example 1: I sacrificed 2 warriors to cast a conjure spell. A level 5 warrior and a level 7 warrior. Before the conjure spell hits the table this world curse is triggered. My opponents’ armies must now kill 2 different warriors. One must be level 5 or higher and the other one must be level 7 or higher. Then this world curse resolves.
– Example 2: There are three players: Evan, Jeff, and Tyler. Evan used a direct spell and killed one of Jeff’s warriors that was a level 20. That triggers this world curse. Tyler and Evan must now kill a warrior level 20 or higher or kill multiple warriors that add up to level 20. Then this world curse resolves.

Pickled Pinecone
If this card is drawn from the barracks during the reinforcement phase, the player may organize all their warriors then pick which ones get shuffled back into their barracks.

Piedmont Dragon
When Piedmont Dragon hits the table and you have placed her in a clan group, you add that clan group’s combat number up immediately. That becomes her level.
– (Combat Number – Add all the levels of the warriors in the clan
group. That is the combat number. Do not add the clan bonuses.)
– Then you will add up the combat number of her clan group at the beginning of the
next spell phase.

The Shrike
You pick two different warriors on the table. Pick which one to dice battle first.
Then you dice battle the second one. If neither has died you pick two different warriors on the table.
– When casting this spell you can not pick the same warrior twice.